

What credit cards do you accept?

What credit cards do you accept?

Visa, MasterCard, and Discover

How should I make out my check? Where do I send my check?

How should I make out my check? Where do I send my check?

Make checks out to 资本 University. Send your check along with our 捐赠的形式 to:

Development Office
1 College and Main
Columbus, OH 43209-2394

Is my gift tax deductible?

Is my gift tax deductible?

是的, gifts to 资本 University are tax deductible.

How can I get a copy of my donation history?

How can I get a copy of my donation history?

To get a copy of your donation history、电子邮件 gifts@yann-mathieux.com, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.

How can I get a duplicate gift receipt?

How can I get a duplicate gift receipt?

可以通过614-236-6499向advance Services提交请求来创建副本收据. 如果要留言,请留下您的全名和电话号码.

Is it safe to make a gift online?

Is it safe to make a gift online?

是的. 资本的安全在线捐赠系统对所有个人信息进行加密, including credit card number, name and address. 除了, we do not store your credit card information, so there is no risk of that data being stolen.

What is 资本 University’s fiscal year? How does that affect my gift?

What is 资本 University’s fiscal year? How does that affect my gift?

威尼斯人平台的财政年度从7月1日持续到6月30日. Your giving and participation data are calculated, 捐赠者名单是根据在这些日期之间处理的礼物编制的.



在线捐赠,或使用我们的 捐赠的形式 to designate your gift to a particular area. With either method, 选择“其他”作为您的捐献名称,并输入您希望应用您的捐献的基金名称或代码. 您也可以将您的礼物名称写在支票的备忘栏上, or attach a written note with your gift. 威尼斯人官网我们的 Support 学者 or Support 体育运动 页面s for more giving ideas.

How do I set up a recurring gift?

How do I set up a recurring gift?

To set up a recurring gift via credit card, use our 捐赠的形式、电子邮件 gifts@yann-mathieux.com, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.



如果您想转让贵重股票或证券,请到我们的 Stock and 证券 页面、电子邮件 plangift@yann-mathieux.com,或致电614-236-6496或866-704-0742查询更多信息.



威尼斯人平台接受不动产等个人财产作为礼物, 艺术作品, equipment and other types of tangible property. Prior to the acceptance of the gift, 大学将决定捐赠是否满足特定需求,是否符合其使命和政策. 个人财产赠与不得涉及目前或将来使用的重大额外费用, maintenance or administration. 电子邮件 gifts@yann-mathieux.com,或致电614-236-6129或866-704-0742获取有关个人财产礼物的更多信息.



Special gifts to 资本 University, 要么纪念重大事件,要么纪念在世的人, or memorializing someone who has passed away, 为大学提供宝贵的支持,并作为对家庭成员的永久敬意, friend or colleague. 使用我们的 捐赠的形式 to create a gift in honor of or in memory of someone. 一定要包括必要的资料,以便适当的人会收到你的捐献通知. For more information, please visit our 直接威尼斯人平台 页面、电子邮件 gifts@yann-mathieux.com, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742. 


What is the 投资基金?

What is the 投资基金?

资本基金是为学生提供支持的年度捐赠项目, faculty and staff of 资本 University. 您对资本基金的无限制捐赠通过为奖学金提供资金来塑造大学的愿景和未来, academic and student programming, technology acquisitions and enhancements, faculty research and travel abroad opportunities.



If you made a gift before June 30, you gave during the current calendar year, 但在资本的财政年度(从7月1日至6月30日)期间除外. 如果我们在7月1日之后联系您,我们很可能会寻求您的再次支持.


What is the 资本 University Heritage Society?

What is the 资本 University Heritage Society?


How can I name 资本 University in my will?

How can I name 资本 University in my will?

Please visit our 计划威尼斯人平台 页面、电子邮件 plangift@yann-mathieux.com, or call 614-236-6496 or 866-704-0742.



威尼斯人平台的捐赠官员讨论将有助于确保您的延期捐赠是根据您的愿望建立的,并且与大学的使命和政策一致. In gratitude for your generosity, 遗产协会的会员资格还包括邀请参加特别的首都活动.


How can I update my personal information with 资本?

How can I update my personal information with 资本?

通知我们住址、婚姻状况等的变化., please send an email to Alumni Relations at alumni@yann-mathieux.com or call 614-236-6701 or 866-544-6180. 校友亦可更改个人资料 CapConnect, our online alumni community.

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

How do I get a copy of my transcript?

所有学术信息都是通过注册办公室提供的. Please visit the Registrar’s Transcript Request 页面 or call 614-236-6707.

奖学金 and 捐赠基金

How do I create an endowed fund?

How do I create an endowed fund?

有关建立捐赠基金或为支持现有基金而捐献的更多信息, please go to our 奖学金 & 捐赠基金 页面、电子邮件 gifts@yann-mathieux.com, or call 614-236-6129 or 866-704-0742.

How much money does it take to establish an endowment?

How much money does it take to establish an endowment?

赋予椅子 $1,500,000
Endowed Professorships $500,000
Endowed Lectures $500,000
Endowed 奖学金 $25,000
Endowed Awards and Prizes $10,000
All Other Types of Endowed Funds $25,000
How can I support an existing endowed fund?

How can I support an existing endowed fund?

If you’d like to contribute to an endowment, but do not meet the minimum naming opportunity, you may donate to the 一般 Endowment Fund, the 一般 Endowment for Student 奖学金, or one of 资本’s existing endowment funds. For more details, visit our 奖学金 & 捐赠基金 页面.

Can I customize the name of my endowment?

Can I customize the name of my endowment?

是的. 您决定建立和命名捐赠基金的参数.



一旦你的捐赠达到最低资金水平并开始赚取投资收益, 威尼斯人平台将开始向您发送年度信函,详细说明您的捐赠基金的价值和使用情况.



你可能有机会在威尼斯人平台的本科生奖学金荣誉大会和研讨会上见到你的学生获得者, held each spring. 威尼斯人平台偶尔也会举办其他奖学金活动. 如果你不能在校园活动中见到你的学生,我们可以尝试为你安排一次威尼斯人官网.

What is the size of 资本’s endowment?

What is the size of 资本’s endowment?







If your endowment is fully funded by December 31, 分发将在接下来的秋季学期进行. If fully funded after December 31, 分发将不会作出,直到下一个日历年的秋季学期. 分配将只授予符合您的基金标准的受助人.

Does a fund have to be endowed?

Does a fund have to be endowed?

捐助者还可以设立年度资助基金,如学生奖和奖学金. 这些限制资金的数额是根据捐助者目前的年度捐款分配的,并取决于捐助者为继续提供的经常性年度捐款.