

威尼斯人平台概况手册由机构研究办公室(OIR)提供威尼斯人平台校园社区。. 事实手册作为当前秋季学期机构数据的资源. 在大多数情况下,数据以历史方式呈现,使读者能够看到趋势.


威尼斯人平台视觉教材(VFB) 是由机构研究办公室(OIR)提供威尼斯人平台校园社区的. VFB的目的是作为资本的年度事实手册的伙伴,而不是替代. 可视化, 或vizzes, VFB中所列的表格和图表是在事实手册中找到的, 但在很多情况下, 由于Tableau Public的交互功能,呈现的数据更丰富、更健壮. 数据趋势和模式可以更容易地以不同于事实手册中的静态表格和图表的方式看到. 为了增强观众的VFB体验,OIR提供了以下表格技巧. 强烈建议观众在探索VFB时记住这些提示.

下面列出了可视化事实手册中目前可用的可视化. 请注意,一些可视化有几个仪表板包括在其中. 您将看到这些单独的仪表板列在可视化的标题下面. 它们不是单独联系在一起的, 但它们都可以通过点击“主”可视化的标题来威尼斯人官网. 每个单独的仪表板在可视化中都有自己的选项卡.

请随意 联系拉里·亨特 如果您对Tableau或可视化中包含的信息有任何疑问,请联系机构研究办公室.



  • 在“全屏”模式下观看时,可视化效果要有效得多. 全屏查看, 在可视化的右下角找到图标并单击它. 切换此图标使查看者可以在正常屏幕和全屏之间来回切换.
  • 位于每个可视化右侧的过滤器是从VFB获得最大好处的关键. 查看者只需点击过滤器的组合,就可以看到以多种不同方式呈现的数据. 这就是为什么趋势和模式能够变得如此明显.
  • 如果查看器对可视化进行了过滤,但希望将可视化返回到其原始状态, 在右下角的全屏图标旁边有一个重置图标. 点击这将恢复视野,并允许观众开始过滤再次,如果这是愿望.
  • 有时,视觉中包含的信息比第一次看到的要多. 用鼠标滚动屏幕,观众就可以很容易地看到“隐藏”的信息. This is a very important and useful feature.
  • Some visualizations in the VFB are presented as maps. 观众可以再次使用电脑鼠标在地图上滚动以查看更多信息. 查看者还可以按住Control键拖动地图,同时按住鼠标左键并滚动. 当滚动到地图的左侧并看到图标出现时,还可以威尼斯人官网这些其他功能.

威尼斯人平台 视觉常识手册 Listing

  • VFB -大学10年招生人数和10年全日制招生人数
  • VFB – Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and Class Level
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and Gender
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and Race/Ethnicity
    • 按学生类型和宗教信仰分类的本科生总人数
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and School
    • 按学生类型及院系分类的本科生总人数
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and Program of Study
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Student Type and Age
  • VFB – Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Student Type
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Gender
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Race/Ethnicity
    • 按年级和宗教派别划分的本科生总人数
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and School
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Academic Department
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Program of Study
    • Total Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Level and Age
  • VFB – Total GRAD and JD Enrollment by Student Type
    • 按学生类型(未分组)和队列划分的研究生和法学博士入学总数
    • Total Graduate and JD Enrollment by Student Type (Grouped) and Cohort
    • Total Graduate and JD Enrollment by Student Type (Grouped) and Gender
    • 按学生类型(分组)和种族/民族划分的研究生和法学博士入学总数
    • 按学生类型(分组)和宗教信仰划分的研究生和法学博士入学总数
    • 按学生类型(未分组)和学习计划划分的研究生和法学博士入学总数
    • Total Graduate and JD Enrollment by Student Type (Grouped) and Age
  • VFB -按队列划分的JD总入学人数
    • Total JD Enrollment by Cohort and Student Type (Ungrouped)
    • 按队列和性别划分的JD入学总数
    • Total JD Enrollment by Cohort and Race/Ethnicity
    • Total JD Enrollment by Cohort and Religious Affiliation
    • 按队列和年龄划分的JD入学总数
  • VFB -按专业划分的人数
  • VFB – Total UG U-R Enrollment by Student Type
    • 按学生类型和班级水平划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和性别划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和宗教信仰划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和学校划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和学术部门划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和学习项目划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
    • 按学生类型和年龄划分的未被充分代表的本科生总数
  • VFB – FTIC First Generation Enrollment Profile
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by Gender
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by Religious Affiliation
    • FTIC第一代学生按佩尔助学金接受者身份入学
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by School
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by Academic Department
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by Program of Study
    • FTIC First Generation Student Enrollment by ACT Composite Score
  • VFB – FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Enrollment Profile
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by Gender
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by Religious Affiliation
    • 英国议会佩尔助学金获得者按第一代身份登记
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by School
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by Academic Department
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by Program of Study
    • FTIC Pell Grant Recipient Student Enrollment by ACT Composite Score
  • VFB – FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment Profile
    • FTIC学生运动员按性别登记
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by Religious Affiliation
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by First Generation Status
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by Pell Grant Recipient Status
    • FTIC学生运动员按学校招生
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by Academic Department
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by Program of Study
    • FTIC Student-Athlete Enrollment by ACT Composite Score
  • VFB – FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment Profile
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by Gender
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by Religious Affiliation
    • 按第一代身份登记在校生
    • 按佩尔助学金接受者身份登记的英国议会校内住校学生
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by School
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by Academic Department
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by Program of Study
    • FTIC On-Campus Resident Students Enrollment by ACT Composite Score
  • VFB – FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment Profile
    • FTIC通勤学生按性别登记
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by Religious Affiliation
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by First Generation Status
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by Pell Grant Recipient Status
    • 通勤学生按学校登记
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by Academic Department
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by Program of Study
    • FTIC Commuter Students Enrollment by ACT Composite Score
  • VFB -大学总入学人数-永久居住地点-美国学生
  • VFB -大学总入学人数-永久居住地-国际学生